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04 Apr 2017

Leon 3.44 released

A new beta version of Leon has just been released. You can check it under web address and follow a list of changes below. If you find a function not working as expected, please write an e-mail to . If beta tests are satisfactory, we are planning to release the stable version in about a week. We appreciate your help in testing the newest version.

  • Endorsements List - we have introduced "Action required when expiring" box which allows to input a short description of an action that crew member has to perform in order to revalidate this endorsement. This description will be sent along with an email reminder to the crew member read more
  • We have added new columns in Custom Flights List report - ADEP name & ADES name which allows to filter flights by airport names
  • SCHEDULE - notes added to the aircraft edition page will show up in the section TABLE read more
  • MVT emails can now be sent to a handling agent, assigned to the flight in the checklist. In a section Settings > MVT Messages click the aircraft and mark a checkbox 'Handler'
  • We have added a 'Reply to' option in General settings section. This will automatically populate email address when replying to the new MVT Messages
  • When sending a flight to RocketRoute, the accepted flight number format is: from 2 to 7 digits/numbers long, containing A-Z letters and 0-9 numbers
  • We have re-arranged the items in General Settings and Handling Request sections in Admin Pannel
  • We have added 'Default mail options' functionality in the 'Documents Setup' section read more
  • We have made changes to FTL Calculator. All calculations are in Local Time base on the Time Zone that the crew are acclimatised to
  • Important changes to 'Send messages about aircraft movements to clients' section in Quotation Email Templates read more

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