Flying pets, bespoke services and continuous growth - Q&A with Voluxis
In our ongoing effort to introduce profiles of our partners, this month we have the honour of presenting one of the established international operators, Voluxis.

At Leon, we are always enthusiastic to see our partners grow and in this particular case, there are indeed a lot of positive developments happening at Voluxis at the moment. Over the last year the company has significantly increased the size and scope of its operations, including opening a new offices at Farnborough Airport. If you add to this new fleet acquisitions and an experienced, top-class management team behind the whole process, things are looking exciting for a the UK-based operator.
When Keith Moody, Director of Ground Operations at Voluxis, agreed to join us for a chat involving the cooperation between our companies, we knew that the range of discussion would go far beyond the usual topics. After all, the purpose of this interview was not only to showcase the implementation of Leon, but also to take a peek at impressive new aircraft additions, as well as to provide a glimpse of our partner’s plans for the future.
Q&A session with Keith Moody, Voluxis
Voluxis’s lines of business include both aircraft charter and aircraft management services, with some distinct sales & marketing solutions available for company’s clients on top of that. As an approved Part-NCC Operator, their offering also provides a complete compliance coverage for non-commercial jet owners.
Voluxis has appeared to us as a dynamically growing aviation company. Can you share with us some of your recent successes?
Keith Moody: We have expanded the fleet with the addition of a Hawker 800XPi and Hawker 900XP this year, with further aircraft joining the fleet early next year. We have also increased revenue year-on-year and completed our first standby contract for a low-cost carrier based in Barcelona.
KEITH MOODYDirector of Ground |
In which areas of operations are you using Leon? Are there any aspects of your work where it really shines?
Keith Moody: We use LEON for crew and aircraft scheduling, as well as, compliance and document storage. The training and airfield endorsement expiry warnings are really useful and we use a large variety of reports on the operational data.
You are often recognized as one of the most pet-friendly operators in the UK, if not in the whole of Europe. Why is that?
Keith Moody: We understand how important pets are to a lot of our clients and travellers. For maximum flexibility we organised permissions to all available UK airports that accept pets, this ensures we can organise pet flights anywhere they are needed. We even have our very own mascot ‘Monty’ who sometimes visits us at the office.
(Monty visiting Voluxis OPS – for more, please click the link below)
Have you experienced any challenges during a year-long cooperation with Leon?
Keith Moody: Our cooperation is mainly about document template changes or issues with how to use LEON for certain tasks, I am happy as to this day we have always enjoyed excellent support whenever we need it.
With an expanding area of operations and new fleet additions, what are your plans for the future?
Keith Moody: We do indeed plan to expand in all areas and will continue to rely on LEON to be our system to manage our operations. Where we need any changes to any current set ups, we will also rely on the LEON support team to continue to work closely with us to make the improvements.
For more information on Voluxis, please visit the company’s website
Voluxis is one of 210+ aviation companies enjoying Leon in their day-to-day operations. Will you join them? Let us know by contacting our Sales team or by applying for a 30-day free trial.