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21 May 2024

Elit’Avia partners with Leon Software for Flight operations and crew management

Business air travel offers an exceptionally rapid and effective way to journey. The allure of aviation - from flight planning and preparation to operations - captivates many. It's a rewarding experience for those who are passionate about flying. But what if you wish to leverage the convenience of swift business jet travel while avoiding the hassle of its logistical aspects? This is where Elit’Avia steps in, providing seamless management of your corporate aviation fleet.

Elit'Avia partners with Leon Software

Acquire a business jet, outsource the complexities

Elit'Avia is an Global Operator specializing in aircraft management, air charter services, sales and acquisitions, and technical services. For aircraft owners, Elit'Avia provides a full range of management services, freeing them from the complexities of owning and operating an aircraft. From maintenance oversight to crew management, the company ensures that all operational and administrative aspects are professionally managed.

With specialized aviation knowledge, Elit'Avia assists clients in making informed decisions regarding aircraft purchase, financing, and management. This is especially valuable in the complex and regulated world of aviation.

For clients seeking just flexible and convenient travel solutions, Elit'Avia offers jet charter services tailored to individual needs and preferences. Outsourcing aircraft management and operations to Elit'Avia allows clients to save time and resources that can be better utilized in other areas of their business or personal life.

"Operating a diverse fleet of private jets globally requires a unique blend of expertise, efficiency, and attention to detail. Elit'Avia, with its comprehensive range of aviation services, has chosen Leon Software for its flight management solutions, valuing the platform's adaptability and effectiveness for operators managing complex operations. Leon Software's intuitive interface and seamless data migration capabilities have streamlined our processes, allowing us to focus on delivering unparalleled service and operational excellence to our clients." say's Kakhaber​​​​ Sirbiladze, nominated Person Ground Operations Manager at Elit'Avia

Aircraft fleet management simplified with Leon

Managing a fleet for a large number of clients can be a challenge. To ensure not only smooth operations and safety but also the highest quality of customer service, Elit'Avia required an intuitive and functional flight management software. Leon has met all the company's expectations, and as a result, it now serves as the Elit'Avia’s fundamental digital tool for fleet management. Elit’Avia partners with Leon Software for flight management and crew support in their daily work.

What is also important is that Leon enables effective and automatic data migration from other systems. For a company that manages a fleet on behalf of multiple clients, it is critical to adopt specific standards and standardize the way online data is managed. This can be achieved by securely transferring all data to Leon - a process that is overseen and supported by Leon's experts to ensure a smooth and successful execution. "Elit Avia's commitment to quality lies at the core of what we envision for business jet operations and high-quality work. We are immensely proud that Leon Software can be a part of Elit Avia's flight operations, supporting their crew in their daily work," says Paweł Kruk, CEO of Leon Software.

Our goals: Reliability and Comfort

With Elit'Avia, you can enjoy all the benefits of business aviation without having to worry about administrative, technical or operational issues. You get easy access to the services you need to streamline your workflow. Likewise, Leon's goal is to serve as a central hub for information about your fleet and flights, ensuring that you always have the latest data at your fingertips to optimize your flying experience.

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