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26 Oct 2020

Leon 72 released

We have just started rolling out a new version of Leon. Over the next few days, customers will be gradually switched to a new version of Leon. If you find a function not working as expected, please write an e-mail to

  • REQUESTS/QUOTES - it is possible to send more invoicing documents from this panel: 'Recharge Invoices' & 'Credit Notes'. More information here
  • REQUESTS/QUOTES - a new functionality 'Send message to customer' has been added to the main R/Q panel. More information here
  • REQUESTS/QUOTES - it is now possible to attach any PDF when sending the pricing acceptance for Avinode quotes. More information here
  • REQUESTS/QUOTES - we have added an option of auto-updating flights schedule in OPS, after a booked quote's schedule changed. More informatio here
  • REQUESTS/QUOTES - Airport Charges can now update 'Landing Fee' item in the pricing. More information here
  • REQUESTS/QUOTES - additional aircraft fees items added: 'Medical Crew Nurse' & 'Medical Crew Doctor'
  • REQUESTS/QUOTES - Leon will show the date of the last flight when adding RFQ - this can be useful if adding RFQ for distant future
  • REQUESTS/QUOTES - when estimating the cost of the quote which is already booked, Leon will show it in Calendar panel with a stripe
  • REQUESTS/QUOTES - if the status is switched to 'OPTION', the tiles in the calendar will now display in the same way as option flights in OPS view
  • REQUESTS/QUOTES - 'Quote request ID' will now display in the tab header in the browser
  • CREW ENDORSEMENTS - a new functionality of assigning some endorsements to particular AOC has been added. More information here
  • CATERING - it is possible to select a caterer from the drop-down list, in the item 'Catering' of the OPS panel. The list of caterers available in the drop-down list matches those available in the 'Airport Directory' panel, tab 'Suppliers'
  • CAMO - Leon will now also include partially filled in Journey Logs in TAH & TAC calculation
  • JOURNEY LOG - a new field 'Engine Cycles' has been added to make possible adding a different number of cycles in comparison to landings - this value will be sent out to integrated with Leon maintenance softwares to update engines cycles data
  • JOURNEY LOG - an item 'Sling Load' has been added - the value will have a weight unit defined in a helicopter's profile. It will be also included in Report Wizard's scope 'Flight'
  • JOURNEY LOG - items 'EROPS' & 'ACU' have been added (both as checkboxes) - they will be also included in Report Wizard's scope 'Flight'
  • JOURNEY LOG - items 'Maintenance Log Entry' (a checkbox) & 'Oil refiled' (drop-down list with 4 options: No, Left hand engine, Right hand engine, Both engines) have been added - both also available in report Wizard
  • SLOTS - it is possible to set up that slot will not be required at a particular airport. Edit the airport in 'Airport Directory' and unmark a checkbox 'Slots required'. Once it's done, when a flight is added to/from this airport, slot's status in the OPS checklist will be set to 'Not Applicable'
  • GAR - Leon will now automatically fill in details such as: 'Crew contact telno' & 'Home address' (provided the address is in UK - the last line in the crew address, in their profile, must contain of 'UK' or 'United Kingdom')
  • EMAIL TEMPLATES - we have added a flight 'ICAOType' element in the available data, in 'Fuel requests' template
  • SCHED - a possibility of editing 'ICAO Flight Type' has been added
  • OPS - a new OPS checklist item 'Luggage' has been added - it is possible to insert the number of luggage items and also include this information on 'Crew Trip Sheet' & 'PAX Trip Sheet' documents (in 'Documents Manager' panel)
  • CREW - an option of adding unconfirmed positionings from panels 'Crew Timeline' & 'Crew Calendar' has been added
  • FTL - we can apply a different default reporting time for commercial positionings - contact Leon Support Team for more details
  • REPORT WIZARD - it is now possible to filter by 'Crew labels' in the scopes 'Crew Roster' and 'FTL'
  • REPORT WIZARD - new options added to calendar: -60 day, now, 60 days & Previous day
  • REPORTS - 'Crew Block Time' report has now a filter option which allows to either include or exclude simulators in total block time calculation

The following link contains the list of aviation acronyms that might have been used in the newsletter and explains the meaning:"Aviation abbreviations and acronyms"


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